Guidelines for Sharing Results with Parents/Guardians
This article explains how we recommend sharing DESSA results with parents/guardians.
Guidelines for Sharing Results with Parents/Guardians
When sharing results with parents/guardians, it is important to always start the conversation with a description of the purpose of the DESSA and how the information is being used.
Then, we would recommend that you focus on the student’s strengths, if any are apparent. Both the DESSA and the DESSA-mini are strength-based assessments, meaning that all the behaviors measured on the assessments are positive social and emotional skills and behaviors students engage in. By first starting with the student’s identified strengths, parents are often more at ease and comfortable during the meeting.
Next, the student’s typical areas should be shared with parents.
Finally, any identified areas of need should be shared with the parents. It is important to discuss any needs as areas in which educators, staff, and parents will provide additional support and instruction – not as deficits. It is very important to be mindful of the language used in any conversation with parents. Most importantly, it should be stressed that the purpose of the DESSA is not to categorize or label students but to identify their strengths and needs so that parents and teachers can work together to help the student acquire social and emotional skills that are essential to success in school and life.
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