Analyzing Tiered Data: Report Guides
After completing DESSA ratings, it's time for a data-review process that includes: accessing the data, reviewing the data, acting on the data, and continued progress monitoring. Other data points should be considered when reflecting on the DESSA data and determining action steps. For example, attendance data, student academic information, and additional context are important for analyzing DESSA data.
Analyzing data within a tiered system can help identify student needs at different levels:
Tier 1: Analyzing data at the Tier 1 level includes a review of collected data at the district, school, grade, group, classroom levels. Use the My Students and Grade Level reports to begin analyzing Tier 1 data.
Tier 2: Analyzing data at the Tier 2 level can inform targeted supports and instruction for small group intervention. Use the Competencies report to begin analyzing Tier 2 data.
Tier 3: Analyzing individual student data at the Tier 3 level includes considering additional data and relevant information about the student's needs. The individual student profile and item analysis, both part of the My Students report, can help educators identify specific areas of strength and need for each student.
The Analyzing Tiered Data Report Guides (linked below) can be used to analyze and act on DESSA data from a tiered support lens. Individual report versions of these resources can also be found in the self-paced training courses:
Aperture Essentials for Educators: Section 2
Aperture Essentials for School Leaders: Section 2
Aperture Essentials for District Leaders: Section 2
Analzying Data in the DESSA System: MS SSR
Analyzing Data in the DESSA System: HS SSR
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