Completing Student Ratings
Program Administrators, Site Leaders, and Educators can complete ratings on students. Program Administrators can complete ratings on any student in the program, Site Leaders can complete ratings on any student in their site(s). Educators can complete ratings on students enrolled in their classes.
Watch A Video Tutorial on Completing Ratings
To complete a rating
- Select the Ratings tab at the top of the screen.
- Your list of students to rate will display on left side. (These are assigned by a Program Administrator or Site Leader.)
- Select a student from the list.
- On the rating form, answer each question by selecting the button that matches the student behaviors observed during the past 4 weeks.
- Select Complete when each answer is selected.
What if I do not see students listed in My Students?
- If there are no students listed, select the Add New button. You will be able to select from a list of the students accessible to you. Video Tutorial on Adding Students
- If you do not have access to the students you should be able access, please reach out to your Site Leader to change your assignments and manually add students to your list within their Admin menu > Assignment Review.
What if I cannot rate the student?
If you are unable to rate a student, select the I am unable to rate this student button. This will remove the student from your list. However, you can revisit the Ratings tab and complete a rating for the student at a later time.
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