Rating Window Reminders
This article provides directions on setting up rating window reminders. Program Administrators can create Rating Window Reminders for raters. Reminder emails will only be sent to educators who have not completed their ratings by the set date.
Setting up Rating Window Reminders
- Select the Admin gear icon in the top-right corner.
- Select Admin from the drop-down menu.
- Select Rating Window Reminders from the left side menu. (Note: Yearly Setup must be completed first). (See Image 1)
Image 1
4. Select New Reminder (See Image 2)
Image 2
6. Select which Sites the reminder should be created for. (See Image 3)
7. Set a deadline for when administrators would like current ratings to be completed by. Enter a desired date under Deadline. (See Image 3) Note: This feature does not actually end the current open Rating Window which was set during Yearly Setup. The Rating Windows automatically stay open until the next Rating Window starts.
8. Set the desired reminder date of when you would like the reminder email to be sent. (See Image 3)
9. Click Save (See Image 3)
Image 3
Deleting Rating Window Reminders
Program Administrators can select the trash can icon to the right of a reminder to delete the reminder at any time.
Email Reminders
Email reminders will be sent to raters who have not completed their ratings by the date set in the Rating Window Reminder set up. The number of days left for Rating Window Reminders is based on the deadline date set in the Rating Window Reminder setup. (See Image 4)
The email will include the following information:
Subject: Aperture Rating Deadline Approach
The email will be sent from the following email address: platform@app.apertureed.com Note: Reminders only go out to raters who have yet to complete their assignments.
Image 4
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