How can I edit or delete a rating?
This article outlines how ratings can be deleted in the DESSA System once they have been submitted.
Unfortunately, ratings cannot be edited once it has been submitted. The rating would need to be deleted by a Program Administrator or a Site Leader. Then, it may be resubmitted by the rater (if the rating window is currently open).
Steps to Delete Ratings (Site Leader or PA)
Select Data and Insights and make sure you are on the My Students page.
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- Search for the student by scrolling down the screen.
Select the student's name. You will be redirected to the individual student report.
- Scroll down and locate the completed ratings for this student. Find the rating you wish to delete. Select the trash can icon on the right end of the row of the rating you wish to delete.
Image 2
- The system will prompt you with the question, “Are you sure you want to delete this rating?” Select Yes, Delete.
Image 3
Can Deleted Ratings be Retrieved?
Unfortunately, a deleted rating may not be retrieved. Before deleting a rating, be sure that you would actually like to delete that rating. Once it is deleted, it cannot be restored and the rating will have to be resubmitted by the rater. If you wish to delete a student from the system, that can be completed by following these steps.
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