May 30, 2024
Locating Training Resources Just Got Easier!
Based on customer feedback that it wasn’t clear where our training resources were located (we agreed!), we’ve updated the main navigation and changed the tab where these resources are located from ‘Academy’ to Training to make it more obvious.
Improved Accessibility, Less Scrolling and MTSS Alignment, OH MY!
We updated the color palette on the Strategies screen so that the contrast between the text and the tiles was greater to support accessibility for visually impaired users as well as stacked the tiles for less scrolling.
We also organized our instructional resources under either ‘Universal Strategies’ or ‘Targeted Programs’ to make it explicit how they support MTSS.
Before After
Relocated Tier 2 Programs
Customers who have access to our Tier 2 Programs will notice that they have moved from what was formerly the Academy tab (now Training) to be found on the Strategies screen. This was done so that all of our instructional content could be found in one location.
DESSA Strategies Now Aligned to the Second Step® Programs
Users at sites which use the DESSA Second Step® Assessments, which are aligned to the popular Second Step® curriculum, will see Aperture’s instructional materials aligned to the Second Step® instructional units instead of the DESSA competencies. This will make it easier for DESSA Second Step® Assessment users to know which strategies support their students.
Data Driven Recommendations with DESSA Second Step® Assessments
Users at sites which use DESSA Second Step® Assessments and have access to Data Driven Recommendations will now receive instructional resource recommendations based on the results of their students’ ratings using the DESSA Second Step® Assessments.
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